The Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte has elaborated a simplified procedure concerning the requests for a fair use of the pictures related to the Museum’s properties and works of art.
Taking pictures of the State’s properties legally require an authorisation from the Museo di Capodimonte. Apart from a strictly personal use of the pictures – for personal enjoyment or study -, the use and possession of pictures require the payment of a charge.
As defined by the reform of the State’s Museums (the “Franceschini reform”), the pictures from the works of art exhibited in the Museo di Capodimonte legally belong to the visual archives of the Museum Department of Campania (Archivio Fotografico della Direzione Regionale Musei Campania). This Department regulates all the requests concerning the delivery of rights and authorizations. This is why the requesters and claimants should precisely make two different requests:
– To the Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, for the right of publication of the pictures (see the payment details by the Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte) to
– To the visual archives of the museum department of Campania (Archivio Fotografico della Direzione Regionale Musei Campania) for the delivery of the requested pictures (payment details by Direzione Regionale Musei Campania) to
Procedure to follow before the authorizations’ delivery:
1. download and fill the option of your choice (see the links proposed further on this web page)
2. Send the complete file to the attention of the Direttore Generale, indicating all the information about the demand, the cultural holdings and objects of the demand, the goal of the use, and all the necessary elements that will explain the request, and send it to the following addresses: and the address of certification: The competent office will then examine the request and send an answer.
3. In case of a mandatory payment of a charge, the transaction will be exclusively possible through credit transfer towards the Banca Popolare di Bari IBAN – IT 58 C 05424 04297 000000000515 – SWIFT BPBAIT3B, as indicated in the file “Modulo D: richiesta fotografie” (attached on this page, see further).
Some days before the indicated date of the shooting (photo or video), a copy of the credit transfer must be sent to the Museo e al Real Bosco di Capodimonte, that will validate the transfer with the Bank, and will then generate the authorization with precise indications about the days and the hours in which the shooting will be allowed.
4. In case of extension of the fee, the competent office will directly send the authorization to the claimant.
5. For the shooting of videos, with a fee or exemption of fee, the presence of an officer of security could be necessary. The extra costs generated by this necessity will be on charge of the claimant. The Museo di Capodimonte will assess, according to the request, the number of extra security officers needed.
6. Taking pictures of cultural properties that do not belong to the Museum, but exhibited temporarily and in deposit inside the Museum, will be regulated regarding the regime and contract of the deposit(s). The claimant will be able to take pictures of those properties only with the mandatory consent of the Subject to which they belong.
7. On the final result of the production – video, movie, picture – must be written the following mention “su concessione del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e per il Turismo – Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte”, and eventually other indications specified in the authorization.
8. It is mandatory, to deliver to the Museum the file in RAW format, of every picture realized (between 1 and 3 copies) as previously agreed and indicated in the authorization.
9. The claimants, once the authorization confirmed, will be able to access into the Museum by presenting a copy of the document to the ticket office (biglietteria) at the entrance.
10. The Museo di Capodimonte is exempted from any kind of responsibility concerning the possible damages that could be caused by people or things, during the time of the shooting.
Forms to fill for the fair-use of the pictures, depending on the request:
Reproduction and film permission for study reasons
Video Shooting
Photographic reproductions
Requests concerning the delivering of pictures by the Administration
Tariffs and prices
Information pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/697 (also known as “GDPR”)
According to the provisions of art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679, we specifically inform you that:
1. Pursuant to art. 13, co.1, lett. c) the data provided will be processed for the following purposes: consent to the filming and / or television coverage referred to in this Request and collection of fees for the reproduction of images of artistic works owned by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, as required by the Law on copyright (Law 633/1941 and s.m.i) and Decree of the Museum of Capodimonte n. 17 of 21.3.2016;
2. The processing will be carried out in paper and electronic format and the data provided will be kept by the Museum and Royal Park of Capodimonte for five years;
3. Pursuant to art. 13, co. 2, lett. b) and d) of the EU Reg. 2016/679 at any time the person concerned may excercise his rights towards the data holder (as identified below), eventually requesting access, rectification, deletion of the processed data, or the limitation of processing in addition to the right to the transference of the data to another holder, furthmore, he may at any time propose a complaint to a competent Supervisory Authority;
4. For the purposes of presenting the Request, the conferment is mandatory, as required by art 13. co.2, lett. e) of the EU Reg. 2016/679;
5. The data may be communicated to the Ministry of Economy and Finance or otherwise to other control bodies of the requesting structure, based on the legitimate requests received;
6. As per the Decree of 26.05.2018 n. 255 (Prot. MIBACT-UDCM Rep. Decrees) The Data Holder is the Ministry of Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism – MIBACT;
7. As per the Decree of 24.5.2018 n. 252 (Prot. MIBACT-UDCM Rep. Decrees) the Data Holder is the Museum and Royal Park of Capodimonte who has appointed and as Data Processor in charge of internal data processing Dr. Daniela Barone (mail:, tel: 0817499626).